The Art and Nature of Fresco: Women Muralists Directory

Here are some contemporary and WPA-era women muralists whose work has included public art projects, or who work in fresco...

Judith Francisca Baca
Creator of many large scale public art works

Nellie Geraldine Best (1905-1990)
Artist, sculptor, and WPA muralist

Lucienne Bloch (1909-1999)
Dean of American fresco muralists, together with her husband Stephen Pope Dimitroff, taught several generations of fresco painters the techniques they learned from Diego Rivera

Carlota EspinoZa
Denver artist and muralist

Elsa Jemne (1887-1974)
Minnesota artist whose commissions included many New Deal art projects

Victoria J. Miraglio
Muralist living in California, who has done some public art projects

Ann O'Hanlon (1908-1998)
Kentucky fresco painter and artist

Karyn Olivier
Contemporary artist, photographer, and sculptor

Mary Perry Stone (1909-2007)
A WPA artist

Thanks to Robert P. Bunkin and Mark Wade Stone for their help in compiling this directory.